Camp Description
Ages: 6 to 15 years old
Fees: $250 for City of Raleigh residents / $265 for non-residents
Description: Torry and Terrence Holt, former NC State and NFL football starts, will lead this one-week camp for boys AND girls interested in learning about sportmanship and teamwork. Emphasis is on football basics — safety, hand-eye coordination, footwork, conditioning, agility, leadership, team accountability and trust. The camp is a great intro to football but is well suited to soccer, baseball and softball players. Highlights include station drills, visits by high school, college and professional athletes / coaches, and a true “Game Day” experience on Friday. The Holt Brothers also believe that success off the field is important, and will emphasize life skills and personal development. Programs on leadership, financial literacy, computer skills, art, concussion and injury prevention, and health and nutrition will also be offered.
How Do I Register?
You may register on the City of Raleigh’s website. Please follow these instructions.
1. If you have an existing account, log in.
2. If you are a new visitor to the City’s site and do not have an existing account, please create one. Go to the top right section of the page and click on “Create New Account.” Once you do this, a Login ID and PIN will be emailed to you immediately. You can register your child once this task is completed.
3. Once logged in, click the “Browse Programs/Camps” tab.
4. Locate “Barcode Search” in the top left corner.
5. Enter the number 202912 in the “Barcode Search.”
6. The Holt Brothers Football Camp should appear. From this point, click the green “Add” button and follow the directions provided.